Chantal Mayhew

Chantal Mayhew


A character design project based on some of the characters from poems by Edward Lear.

The Crumpetty Tree was made by a skilled musical instrument maker for the woman he loved. But before he could give it to her she died in tragic circumstances. Filled with grief he abandoned the Crumpetty Tree, leaving it to play sad songs forever.

The Attery Squash is an endangered species as they have been hunted to the brink of extinction, all because they are a major ingredient in an anti-wrinkle cream. The brightly coloured complexion and the loud sounds the Attery Squashes make as they move mean they are easy targets. This Squash is seeking sanctuary in the Quangle Wangle's hat.

The Pobble once had the most beautiful toes in all the land, three on each foot. Jealous, the Quangle Wangle wanted them for his ever growing collection of oddities which were tied to his hat. So one day the Quangle Wangle slipped some sleeping pills into the Pobble's drink. He was out like a light and when the Pobble came too his beautiful toes were gone.

The Crumpetty Tree
The Crumpetty Tree
The Attery Squash
The Attery Squash
The Pobble
The Pobble
The Pobble